Watch my latest ad!

The law of the jungle is “eat or be eaten”.

The law of politics is “define or be defined.”

Watch and help me air my latest ad to tell voters who I am.

watch laura's new video

The Left is working hard to define me as a “racist”, a “conspiracy theorist” and the standard, “right wing nutjob.”

Several weeks ago, a founder of the traitorous Lincoln Project called me “wildly immoral and crazier than a latrine rat.”

That’s the modus operandi of the Left: smear, smear, smear.

And they work hard to make the smears so offensive that an average voter who would have never heard of me before would be left with an incredibly negative first impression.

I hope you can understand how important it is that I reach as many voters FIRST and tell them who I am, and what I stand for before the Left infects them with lies.

If you haven’t already, please watch my ad and help me get it in front of voters as soon as possible.

For every $25 you donate, I can reach 1,000 voters in my district.

So please, donate as much as you can and help me get to Congress.

Thanks so much for all that you do.


Laura Loomer

Biden’s attack on Christians MUST END

Do you think the Biden Regime’s push for inclusiveness includes Christians?

I can tell you right now, Biden and his lackeys in Congress are doing all they can to silence and even MOCK Christians.

Earlier this year, the IRS denied the non-profit application of a group called Christians Engaged because the “experts” at the tax-collecting agency concluded that the “Bible’s teachings are typically affiliated with the Republican party and candidates.”

After a national uproar, the decision was overturned – but that was just the start of the Biden Regime’s attack on Christians.

Last week, an anti-Christian, LGBT activist, Brenda “Sue” Fulton, was nominated to oversee our military’s chaplains.

Sue Fulton is on record tweeting about Republicans and Christians calling them, “right-wing anti-everyone nutjobs falling in love with a dictatorship.”



But wait, that’s not all.

Fulton has stated her contempt for Christian chaplains saying that they “give up some of their rights as ministers when they become military chaplains” and that “the vast majority of white evangelical leaders are utterly unmoored from the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Fulton, who has made a career out of trolling the Christian right and trying her best to destroy institutions like West Point, is now in charge of religious affairs for the United States Military.

And the attacks will keep on coming if we fail to take back Congress next year!



Historically, Christians are the most persecuted people in the world and that will continue – even here in America – if we don’t fight back against Joe Biden’s Jihad against the Christian Right.

I’ve spent my career fighting to protect our institutions and Judeo/Christian values from hateful people like Sue Fulton, and I need your help so I can continue the fight as a member of Congress.

The Mid-Term Elections are coming up fast – and the Biden Regime is in a rush to do everything they can to jam-pack our government with Leftists like Fulton.



You’ll need watchdogs like me who will help stop the next Leftist activist takeover while keeping a close eye on the thousands of Biden Appointees who are already working from within to destroy our Republic.

If you haven’t already done so today, please donate to support my campaign and help me keep fighting for our values.


Laura Loomer

We did it!!

The FEC reports just came out for the last quarter and we were able to outraise my opponent, five-term incumbent Daniel Webster by 69%!!

Thanks to you and thousands of other patriots, we crushed it!

But this is no time to let up! With the reports coming out, the Republican AND Democrat Establishments are freaking out and you know they’re going to pull out all the stops to make sure I don’t unseat Webster and make it to Congress.

Will you donate right now?

This is OUR shot to wake the GOP up and make it known that we won’t stand for Republicans who do nothing but make excuses and miss votes!

It’s OUR opportunity to take the fight to the Democrats and stop the rapid slide into communism that we’re seeing right now!

That’s why I need to know that you’re all in with me. Donate now to help the momentum build so we can win this!

We didn’t just outraise Webster, we made him struggle!

Webster brought in just $63k for the quarter, but he spent $53k! Without PAC donations from Exxon, Big Sugar, wealthy Aircraft owners and FedEx (yeah, even FedEx donated to him), Webster’s campaign would have been in the red!

Do-Nothing Dan’s campaign POURED money into fundraising and took a loss on it!

My fundraising experts tell me that it’s clear as day that Webster has no grassroots support AT ALL, and he certainly doesn’t have you!

And if he’s LOOSING money trying to raise money right now, then there is no way he’ll be able to catch up with us . . . as long as we don’t give up!

Are you in?

Donate now, and let’s SHOCK the Good Ol’ Boy Republican Establishment that’s scared to death of me . . . and let’s watch Pelosi, AOC, Ilhan and the rest of the “Squad” shake in their heels as I get sworn in!

Thanks again for all that you do. THANK YOU!!


Laura Loomer