I am proud of the support I continue to receive.

“I fully endorse Laura Loomer in her quest for Congress. She has proven herself to be an army of one and embodies fearlessness.”
— Congressman Paul Gosar

I endorse Laura Loomer for Congress. We need some fresh blood who will take the fight to the communists instead of sitting idly by while our nation is being destroyed by how much damage the swamp is doing. Laura has been deplatformed from most social media for speaking truth and I can think of no better way of getting even with Big Tech than having her become a congresswoman so she can stick it to them daily. She is pro-life, pro-America, strong on border security, pro-gun, and pro-audits. Join me in supporting Laura Loomer today.
Senator Wendy Rogers
Arizona State Senate
“She has bigger balls than most of the men. You need her in Washington fighting for you. We need her in Washington to join the band of rebels because she is courageous. She is knowledgeable. She is fearless.”
Roger Stone
Trump Political Advisor
“Laura Loomer is exactly what we need in Congress and frankly is exactly the type of courageous, incredibly intellectual, tough, savvy woman, that we need in congress.”
General Michael Flynn
Lt. General, US Army (Ret.)

“Laura Loomer gives Floridians a great opportunity to send a bold candidate to Congress, instead of a long standing member of the failed political class who refuses to stand for election integrity.
She has stood boldly for liberty and supports an America First agenda wholeheartedly. She has my full support for her congressional run in Florida’s 11th District against Dan Webster.”
Capt. Seth Keshel
Former Army Captain of Military Intelligence
Afghanistan-war veteran

“It’s time for friends of the First Amendment to put their time and money where their mouths are. Help elect a one-woman Free Speech Squad to counter the anti American congressional Brat Pack. Disruption, not deference, is the key to defeating the Democratic resistance.”
— Michelle Malkin, syndicated columnist,
New York Times Best-Selling Author
and Fox News Contributor

“You must do everything you can to elect Laura Loomer for Congress in Florida. She is the most bright, quick witted candidate I have ever met. She must win. She’s the only one who can take on the squad.”
— Jeanine Pirro, host of Fox News Channel’s
Justice with Judge Jeanine, author,
former New York judge and prosecutor.

“Laura Loomer is running for Congress in Florida’s District 11. She has my support and endorsement. Florida, please support this patriot.”
— Juanita Broaddrick, Retired Registered Nurse,
Business Owner, Author of “You’d Better Put
Some Is On That”and rape survivor of Bill Clinton.

“I ENTHUSIASTICALLY endorse Laura Loomer for Florida’s 11th Congressional District. I can spot a winner, and I can spot a fighter. Laura is both! She will represent the interests of Floridians and bring her values and work ethic to Washington to take on Democrats and the socialist left! I’m proud to be with her ALL THE WAY to 2020!”
— Wayne Allyn Root, Host “The Wayne Allyn Root Show”
on NewsMax TV, “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered”
on USA Radio, Author, “Trump Rules” (Feb 2020)

“They Banned this woman from everything because she speaks truth. She is unafraid and she is fearless. ”
— Bo Snerdley, producer for
The Rush Limbaugh Show

President Trump voted for Laura Loomer for congress in 2020. We are hopeful to have his endorsement for 2022.